Gain Weight Bigger Muscles

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How to Get Bigger Muscles and Gain Weight

There are many people who struggle to drop their weight.  However, there are also people who struggle to find the best strategy to gain body weight. Did you know that you can actually gain weight just through better training? It’s not a must that you have body fat for you to gain weight. You can actually gain body weight through muscle mass.

There are several things that you should do so that you can gain body weight and build solid muscles. However, this calls for strong determination, dedication, regular exercising, routine lifestyle and so on. The following are the tips on how you can gain body weight and build strong muscles.

Eat More Calories

You shouldn’t deny your body food at all you want to gain weight and build bigger muscles. This is the reason why you should eat food that is rich in calories so that you can build strong muscles. Remember that unhealthy fats from junk food can be detrimental to your body. Ensure that your meal is free from these saturated fats. You can actually beef up your meal with protein-rich foods such as nuts and fish.

Schedule Your Meals

It is not advisable for you to eat 3 heavy meals per day. You should instead go for 5 to 6 small meals every 2 to 3 hours. This will go a long way in helping you to gain weight. If you usually work in an office and you cannot afford to go for lunch breaks, you should try packing your meals.


It is very difficult to build muscles if you do not go for workouts. Remember that you will gain weight and muscle mass quickly if you lift heavier weights fewer times than you lift light weights more times. This is the reason why you should not fail to exercise your whole body. It will go a long way in building body mass. You will realize that some of the best exercises are deadlifts, leg squats, bench presses, pull ups and so on.

Keep Hydrated

Remember that as you do your exercises, your body will lose water in the form of sweat. This is the reason you should not deny your body water.  If you take half a gallon of water a day, you can be assured that your body will get replenished thereby gain muscle and weight.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Your body requires enough rest after exercises. This is the reason why you should sleep for at least 8 full hours every night. This will go a long way in helping your body to gain muscle and weight.

Stay Stress-free

You should try as much as possible to stay stress-free. Remember that stress causes your body to release a hormone, cortisol which can lead to storing fat. You should avoid stress so that you can gain weight and build strong muscles.

Track Your Progress

It is always advisable to keep a track of your progress. This will go a long way in motivating you to go an extra mile. You can weigh yourself during weekends and see if you are making improvements. In addition, you should find out what is your body fat percentage is so that you can determine whether you need to modify your diet or not. This can help you determine whether you need to add more calories into your meals or not.


Those are some of the tips that you can follow if you want to gain weight and build strong muscles. Everybody would like to get bigger muscles, so make sure you plan and execute your workouts correctly.  Follow the above mentioned tips and you will be in a position to gain body weight and muscle mass through bigger muscles.

About the Author

The man behind Crazy Gain is Kevin Hodges who is determined to educate the world on being fit, healthy and the best person both physically and mentally they possibly can be – even if this means helping one person at a time. 

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